Aside from my daily work, I sometimes work on side projects. They range from technical coding side projects to volunteer projects with local groups.
Purple Owl Theme
Custom theme for Obsidian.
Coding Projects
Check out my Github.
I’ve loved photography since I was fifteen. I really enjoy taking pictures and capturing moments in time. I publish my stuff all over the place, here are a couple of photo profiles
Other Websites
Older Projects
Cheer SF State
As a member of the coaching staff, we have been working for 8+ years to really turn this program into a serious collegiate cheerleading team. There are a lot of challenges in this process: changing stunt technique; convincing the school of our value; building a stronger work ethic, and dealing with constant coaching changes. Despite the challenges, we have brought the program to a collegiate competitive level and really established ourselves as one of the premier college cheerleading programs in the bay.