UCA College Nationals 2023

I can’t tell you how many years I go to decode the winners of a cheer competition and I can’t find it anywhere. This is not the end all of the results and I’m still looking for the right place to store it, but I also want to start collecting information on cheer teams. Which team finished second place in Small Coed D1 in 2004? How do you find it? History is important, and with all the information we have, I’m surprised we don’t have a better database of this stuff....

February 1, 2023 · zacharyc

Villanova Fight Song

The other day I stumbled across this awesome project by FiveThirtyEight: Our Guide To The Exuberant Nonsense Of College Fight Songs | FiveThirtyEight while googling for fight songs. I was a cheerleader in college and still have my fight song memorized. I went the Villanova, and our Fight Song was called “V for Villanova”. The words were as follows: “V” for Villanova, “V” for Victory “B” for Blue and “W” for White...

January 23, 2020 · zacharyc

Photo of the Day: SCSU Basket Toss

February 25, 2010 · zacharyzacharyccom

Jamz Nationals: an experience review

Full Disclosure, I was on the team that got named 2010 Jamz Open Coed Level 6 National Champion. Fun! Go Rebel’s Elite! That being said, I want to talk about the way the competition is run and why (sorry) I didn’t really enjoy the competition. I enjoyed my experience with my teammates, who are AWESOME! but the competition was lack luster for me. Here are some reasons why: Lack of consideration for crossovers....

February 24, 2010 · zacharyzacharyccom


For those of you who have known me for more than, say, five years, you know that one of my original web properties was handspringman.com. Unfortunately, due to issues with the way domain registration works, it slipped out of my control. At the time it was prohibitively expensive to reposes (somewhere in the several hundred dollar range). Well, good news, it’s coming home. I recently checked it’s availability on GoDaddy and was able to procure it relatively inexpensively....

January 20, 2010 · zacharyzacharyccom