Olympus E-M5 Mark II : Part 1

Problem Statement I was planning a trip to Germany and Italy in the summer. I had a bunch of expensive and heavy camera gear that I wanted to bring to take pictures, but the thought of carrying it all around with me sounded crazy. I was going for a wedding so I needed normal focal length. I was also going to travel and wanted a little bit of reach and maybe some ultra wide stuff....

January 8, 2016 · zacharyzacharyccom

D600 Shutter Speed

The D600 is a great camera and my first full frame camera. I’ve had it for several years now but to be honest, I haven’t taken the time to become an expert in the use of the camera. As a traditionalist I’ve used the different modes on the camera but only recently have I ventured into some of the other modes and advanced metering modes. Over the past couple of months I’ve shot several cheerleading events....

April 20, 2015 · zacharyzacharyccom

Zack's Rock

On an excursion to Death Valley a couple months ago, we decided to get up to take sunrise pictures at Zabriskie Point. This was my shot from that day. The weird looking rock formation the right we named “Zack’s Rock” because I took off to climb it after we were done taking pictures. I did not make it all the way out.

June 6, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

San Francisco Beach

This is a photo taken with Aaron on a photo shoot in San Francisco. This is my first time playing with my new Filter kit.

May 17, 2012 · zacharyzacharyccom

The Self Portrait Photo Assignment

I’ve been searching for pictures of myself that I really like. And while I have a couple from friends that I find rather fun: Anyway, I don’t have enough. And I’m vein. So this leads me to a self assigned project. The Self Portrait Photo Assignment. As with any assignment there are rules. Here are the rules. Have to take the photo yourself. Can’t buy additional camera equipment for this project....

November 9, 2010 · zacharyzacharyccom