Documentation Formats

Life is full of things to catalog, especially for someone like me. Someone who loves organization in data and looking for patterns. Someone who is convinced that the random things in my life will probably come together someday like the unification theory. But how? How does one sort, contain, and search data? The first step is recording the data. There are many ways to do this. Databases have traditionally been a great way....

January 30, 2023 · zacharyc

WordPress and the Future

This site is currently hosted on a WordPress backend. I’ve been using wordpress for hosting many of my sites since around 2005. I’ve used several different providers and hosted a bunch of sites that are around and some that have gone away. WordPress has been a consistent tool across that process. The problem: WordPress is heavy handed. It has morphed from a blogging platform to a full Content Management System (CMS)....

December 22, 2022 · zacharyc

Thinking About Themes

I’m not a visual designer, but I do like pretty things. On the top of my mind recently has been the idea of my Purple Owl Theme. It comes from the “Night Owl” theme on MonoLisa’s website. Blue background with a big purple highlight. Light gray as a text color. I love the theme, and I’ve tried to make a version of it for Obsidian. In doing so, I realized that actually figuring out what colors goes where is confusing....

August 17, 2022 · zacharyc

Zacharyc Consulting

Last week I started two new companies. One of them is pretty straightforward and so I’m announcing it here today. I started zacharyc consulting which is a technology consulting business. There are many times I’ll be in a conversation with someone about technology and they are looking for guidance. With years in the field of tech I have a diverse background in the field. My goal in this business is to help advise businesses with their technology decisions....

July 6, 2022 · zacharyc

12 Tips for People New To Software Engineering

I’ve been working in the field of software for over 16 years now. I’ve worked for small companies, and I’ve worked for large companies. I have recommendations of books to read (though I really should start a database of books). I gave a small talk a couple of days ago, and I shared some points to start with. Here are the points that I advocated: Learn Version Control Software – This was something that was mentioned in college, but not really harped on....

August 25, 2021 · zacharyc