Time Spent and Relationship

I graduated from High School in Westport. I spent much of my life growing up here and so have a very long past here. Westport is an affluent town and much of the places that I went to as a child are no longer around. Still, my parents and brother still live here so I go back from time to time and have opinions on several restaurants and stores throughout the town.


Little Kitchen

This is a long standing chinese food restaurant that has been here for MANY years. It is one of the few places my father can eat, so we go here quite a bit. It’s pretty tasty, but nothing compaired to chinese food on the west coast.

Sherwood Diner

I can’t remember a time when Sherwood Diner wasn’t around. The food is traditional Diner food, but this was the youthful hangout when I was child and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I usually get chicken fingers and fries, though I’ll admit that I haven’t been there in probably 10 years.