I turned 25 years old yesterday, and I’m really having issues coming to grasps with the fact that I’m a quarter of a century old. Also, according some stupid source I read when I was younger, male gymnasts reach their physical peak around 24, so its all down hill for me from here in terms of my gymnastics.

That being said, I would have to say that my 25th birthday was rather amazing (except for one minor note that I will mention below). I up early and played some sports with my roommate before work. I’m realizing that it is taking more for me to stay in shape these days, so I’m looking for any and all reasons to work out.

I had a great day at work. I have a new job (which is a story for another post), and the work that I’m doing is really rather interesting compared to the stuff that I have done in the past.

After work, my friend Mike took me out to dinner at a very nice Indian restaurant in Mountain View. I recently started eating Indian, but this was by far the best I’ve had to date. The night was capped off by some birthday cake with Aaron, Katy, and Mike.

So, the one bad event that happened was a phone call I had with California Sports Complex, where they told me that anyone over the age of 23 can not practice gymnastics in the state of California unless you are instructor. I was really torn up about this, and while I believed them temporarily, after calling a few more gyms I found out that this is not the case. California Sports Complex does not allow you, but you can go to places like Gold Star Gymnastic.

I really hate to bad mouth a gym or location, but I am going to say that California Sports Complex really upset on my birthday, so I won’t be sending any business their way in the near future. Apparently they are unaware of the competition or are so into making a profit that they won’t redirect someone in the case where they don’t have a program to cover a potential clients needs.