I recently took a trip to CT for Thanksgiving, and I will be writing a post about all of that shortly, but before I forget, I wanted to write a post about Red Dot. They are AMAZING. I have taken CT Limo several times before, so I was very upset when my mother broke her plans to take me to the airport and told me I would have to take one of these services.

The problem with CT Limo is that they are overly packed, the shocks are completely gone on their vans, and their drivers are slow, and they stop continually. My last ride was so painful I promised myself I would try very hard not to take them again. When my mother canceled it looked like I would have no choice.

My father said he had seen signs for a new limo service called Red Dot. Being as CT Limo was that bad, I figured I’d try anything. It could be as bad, but I wasn’t convinced it could be much worse.

My hopes started to raise when I found out that they offered many more pickup locations than CT Limo. I got picked up within a quarter of a mile from my office. You can imagine my surprise when a limo pulls up instead of a van. I got a fully chauffeured ride form CT to JFK with one other person in the car. Now, here’s the kicker, the ride was $20 cheaper than CT Limo would have charged.

Down with CT Limo, Go Red Dot!