After the whole SOPA debacle, I decided I was done with GoDaddy. Their site has always been crap. It’s hard to use and figuring stuff out sometimes takes a call to their tech support. On top of that, they had been starting to raise their prices. They used to be one of the cheapest registrars on the internet, now they were charging significantly more than other registrars.

I have been using Dynadot for a bit as they were about a dollar cheaper than GoDaddy and The Brooks Review recommended them.

As of today it is official. All my domains are gone from GoDaddy. For various reasons that I hope to explain over the next year, I have 25 or so domains. The 21 that were at GoDaddy have now been moved to Dynadot. I’m looking forward to having an easier time administering them, and spending less on them in general.