Over a year ago I switched roles in the software engineering field. I started working as an iOS developer for a company called Flywheel. We are a start up in the transportation industry. Our goal is to provide safe, reasonably priced rides from professional drivers with the entire hailing and paying process handled from your personal mobile device.

flywheel logo

The goal is to make the experience as seamless as possible for the end user. You take out your phone, find a pickup location, the app hails available cabs, and you are notified when a car is on it’s way. When you get to your destination you can adjust the tip or just leave your default. Your credit card is automatically billed so you can worry about what you need to do next.

Making this process simple is a lot more tricky than it sounds. We’ve been working hard to make the experience better for the passenger and there will continue to make improvements over the next couple of months.

We have a blog that covers our feature set on a higher level as well as current promotions. I hope to cover some of the more interesting technical challenges and solutions we have run into.