It’s taken me a fair amount of time to do this transition. I’ve been switching from LunarPages to DreamHost for a while now. LunarPages just stopped being up to date with all the technologies I needed in order to host all the projects I wanted, but I was (sort of still am) worried about moving from host to another. My primary email is associated with this domain ( Also, I had a lot of secret hidden files and tools placed around the old website that I had been collecting pretty much since college (when I first started using lunar pages). Yes, that was over 13 years ago.

Lets define the type of technologist I am: I enjoy solving technical problems, but time is limited and there are too many problems for me to be an expert in all of them. I don’t want to be an email expert, but I do want email. I don’t want to be a server administrator but I do want my servers to be secure. So I pay other technologists to worry about those problems so I can worry about the ones I need to worry about. If I spent the time it would take to be an expert in those, I wouldn’t have the time to do all the other things that I want to do.

Looks like DreamHost is doing a pretty good job at meeting my needs. The move was stupid easy. When hosting a new domain on DreamHost, there is a checkbox for them to host Google Suite. All you have to do is check that box, and point the name servers to dream host and the magic works. I keep sending test emails to make sure they are still going through, but so far so good.

Also of note, I’m using a new theme here. I found it when I created a temp backup of my WordPress site on The theme is called Independent Publisher 2. It’s not easily accessible from the themes download but it is public at GitHub: and it is working great on installation here. Had to do a couple of tweaks to get it where I wanted to be. I dropped the side bar on the main pages, and moved search to the footer. Other than that, pretty smooth.