This is a down week. Some of the reasons I can’t fully share, some of them I can.

My 99 1/2 year old neighbor passed on July 4th. He had been in the house the entire time my family had been in the area and he was always super nice and cool to me. He was super sharp until the end and was still working as an attorney. There is no service for him. He outlasted his family and pets, so doesn’t have a huge amount of community, but he was an awesome man.

The economy in general is starting to get pretty rough and that is not helping with work.

I’ve run into some interpersonal drama in my social circles.

My family is in town which is both awesome and stressful. I don’t really feel myself with my family. Can’t really explain.

The point is this week has been heading down. We could keep it going down or I can turn the frown upside down and start making things better. Remember there are positives in this week too. My family is in town so I’ve had lots of laughs. We got to sail a bit which was also nice. It’s a shorter week because of the holiday.

This post is rambling, but so often we see positivity in this world. It’s hard to remember that moments aren’t always positive. Sometimes they are sad, negative, hurtful, but our lives are a collection of moments. The variation in moments allow us to fully feel the positive ones. Sometimes there is nothing wrong with feeling a different emotion in a moment. Sometimes the moment ahead is the exciting one.