This is going to be a short one, as I don’t have too much to say. I’m hopefully writing a small book about cheerleading. I’m a man of mini obsessions. One of my many is going to the book store and looking at possible books to read. Whether I read them or not, I’m always hunting for new books to add to my personal library. I believe that a personal library is important and a lot can be learned from looking at the books one keeps. So I go to bookstores to find tomes that will enhance my library.

As a former cheerleader and cheerleading coach, one of the subjects I hunt for is cheerleading. When I go to the sports sections, I find books on many different sports, but if there is a cheerleading book, it is often old, out of date, or designed for young children. Cheerleading is a complex, demanding activity or sport (depending on how you do it), and there is a lot of science and thought behind how the team works.

In my years of cheerleading, I’ve had many coaches who have taught me so many different things. I’ve decided to start putting some of the material down in written format. Here is what I’m writing:

Cheer Book

In writing this I want to give a VERY big shout out to Kelvin Lam. Former coach and really got me to think differently and more scientifically about my cheerleading technique. You can sign up to take his online courses: Cheer Moxie.