Following up on my post yesterday, here is a brief audit of the digital tools I use daily. This list changes as time passes, so this is what I’m using this month. Maybe I’ll update next month with a different set of tools.

  • Obsidian is my text organizer. I use it for everything from to-do lists to notes and thoughts, and even this blog post starts here. I can go on for days about why I prefer Obsidian, but that is better served by a later post.
  • Visual Studio Code - I want to say this is a text editor, but it is closer to an IDE. I have many things set up to work in VS Code to help me through my day. As I’m mostly writing Clojure, Calva is a constant companion in VS Code.
  • I use three browsers: Safari for personal stuff, Chrome for work and inspecting web pages, and Arc to play with and learn about. Safari and Chrome are used all day, every day.
  • Warp - Terminal program built in Rust. I switched to this from iTerm2 in the past year. I’m not using one-tenth of the features offered, but it still feels like an upgrade from iTerm2.
  • Github - I use Git for my version control and store all of my code on Github.
  • Adobe Illustrator - used for all of my design work. Occasionally, I use Photoshop, but most of my work is in vectors, so I spend more time in Illustrator.
  • Size Up - I’m a little embarrassed that I’m still using this software, but I love it and am used to it. Its keyboard-centric window manager lets me move windows around the screen with just my keyboard.

This is a subset of the programs I have on my computer, but these are the ones I use almost every day across all my machines. These are the tools that I hope to master.