Recently I redescovered Jason Santa Maria‘s blog. He writes about some very interesting design topics, and has a very unique blog layout. He’s a cool person, I’ve written him in the past and gotten responses.

My days as a designer are, at least temporarily, over. My job these days really revolves around programming an debugging. And right now I’m doing MFC/Windows programming, so web is really not a key focus of mine. This means that Jason’s blog really doesn’t cover all that relevant material for me.

Still there is a side of his blog I feel holds value for everyone. The Daily Photo section, where, you guessed it, he posts a photo daily. Its just a picture, daily, not too much text, just an image.

Changing Gears

When I was a youngster, I used to take a ton of photos. I worked at a camera store, so I had reduced pricing on processing. I also took a class whereby I convinced my parents that it was there responsibility to pay for my processing. I shot WAY TOO much film. I learned a lot by doing. Then I went to college. Processing was expensive. I had other things I needed. Photography took a back seat for at least four years.

When I got out of school, I bought a digital body and started shooting again, but in limited capacity. I had lost a lot of that knowledge that I had learned prior to school. I still know enough to make a camera work, but my eye for composition has changed, and not really in a better way. I’ve also never kept up with the digital manipulation side of things. Color corrections and touch ups are a big deal these days, and I haven’t really been doing that.

So, here I am, starting a new category in my blog. Hoping to post a photo a day. The benefit being that hopefully I will gain some more knowledge as this forces me to take more pictures. Now, there will probably be days that I miss, but I will do my best to publish as often as I can.

Today’s Photo

Starting off with a simple picture I took around my apartment. This is a picture of a wooden model sailboat I picked up from Restoration Hardware. After some debating with my roommate, we named her Wavecrest. Here only the bow is in focus. This was taken with a 50mm 1.8 Nikkor on my D70.

[![Model boat photo with limited focus](/assets/img/2008/08/wavecrest.jpg?resize=300%2C198&ssl=1 "wavecrest")](/assets/img/2008/08/wavecrest.jpg?ssl=1)
Model boat photo with limited focus

Hope you enjoy the image!