Today is hack day at work. In honor of that I’ve started listening to a shared playlist on Apple Music containing the original soundtrack from the 1995 film Hackers. This movie changed my life. I remember when I first saw it. I was in my best friend’s house, I was 11 or so. We were in an upstairs room because that was where the TV was. I don’t think I got to see the whole thing, but the little I did see captured me.

My best friend was a super athlete and I was super not.

Hackers was a movie about a bunch of intellectual kids using their intellect for good. This made me believe there was more to this world than just being a good athlete. It made me believe that we all provide value. That I could provide value with my mind.

I don’t know if I would have ended up in this career path in other ways, but Hackers was definitely a motivating factor for choosing engineering in college.

The movie keeps up. I usually watch it at least once a year (which means I’ve probably seen it more than 20 times) and I always enjoy. What I had forgotten about was the soundtrack. Today I put it on while I was coding and it was really great. I forgot about Prodigy and some of the other bands on the album.

If you remember the movie, maybe you should consider picking up the album and re-listening as well!