The world is full of exceptional people. These people do things in a way the rest of us think are a little crazy. Some of them are crazy in business, like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Some are crazy in science like Einstien or Feynman. Some are crazy athletes like Sean White or Tony Hawk. Alex Honnold is one of those “crazy” people, and he is crazy about his Free Solo climbing.

I climb, but I wouldn’t call myself a climber. Still, I know enough to appreciate what Honnold did here as incredible. I don’t however think of Honnold as insane. He’s accomplishments are audacious, and unbelievable, and in my mind crazy awesome, but he himself does not appear overly crazy to me. In his ted talk he explains how he got the point where he was comfortable attempting the El Cap climb.

Along with epic photography, this movie tells the story of Honnold and how he got the point he was at when he decided to climb Freeride Free Solo. His family dynamic, his relationships, his training and his life. Alex has a very quirky sense of humor, which I find very funny.

This movie is inspirational and well done. Seeing someone go for their exceptional goal has inspired me to rededicate myself to my personal goals. No, I don’t have a crazy free solo goal, and I do have some climbing goals, more of my goals are associated with acro, photography, and sharing more insights here.

While quite awesome, the movie left me with one question: it mentions Freerider as the obvious choice for Honnold’s Free Solo route. I’m naive and just don’t know why it’s the obvious route. Is it because of the name? Is it because it is the easiest route up El Cap? As someone with just enough climbing knowledge, I wish the movie had answered that question.

I wish Honnold the best, and personally hope he sticks to more roped climbs in the future, but I also hope he follows his heart. Can’t wait to see what Jimmy Chin and company shoot next!