I was going through my old notebook and saw this:

This is from a very old project notebook. Two project notebooks ago, actually (for scale, I finish one of these every couple of years). I’m often reticent about sharing my thoughts. I don’t think they are important. Who cares what I’m thinking? I barely care what I’m thinking. I write it down and take notes so I can look back at it, but I almost never do.

What this note says is that it is not for us to determine what is really the story. We share what is going on and slowly a story evolves. The story can’t show up without the seed content. Maybe our lives are interesting? Maybe we have more to share of interest than we know.

I’m not a video guy. I don’t shoot much video. Yes, I see the world going in that direction and I believe that someday I will shoot and edit video, but today I don’t. Today, I have my words and my camera. I will use them to share where I am.

Here’s what’s on the docket for today:

Boss’s Birthday

Tomorrow is my bosses birthday. He is a great man, very hard to read, and very reserved. I’ve known him for about 3 years at this point and in that time frame he has started drinking coffee and beer as well as buying a bike and trying a bunch of new sports. For his birthday, I’ve decided to get him a boot she full of Sol, his favorite beer.

Acro On Friday

I haven’t been to Friday Acro in forever. I’m hoping to make it today. My body has started to get overly tight. I need to work on getting it lose again. Hoping to work on flexibility and strength and stability in the acro, even if it is beginner.

Hack Day Planning

We are doing a hack day next week at the office and I’m responsible for planning it. I’m close to having everything figured out but I need to get decorations and trophies tied up. I’m sort of thinking about printing out some desk signs to get people knowing about what is upcoming. I’m still thinking about my hack day project.


There are so many photo projects on my plate that I feel more than a little overwhelmed. I haven’t touched my family pictures form Thanksgiving. I have a bunch of acro pictures from the summer to process. I have instagrams to get together. I have some unsplash photos I want to put together.

Blog Post

There is another blog post coming, on Battle For The Bolts, be ready!


This weekend is a catch up weekend. Hoping to chill out a bit and catch up on all the pieces that are top of mind.