I’ve been meaning to make a trip west for several years, but have never gotten around to it. That is about to change. I will be heading out to the west coast around the Thanksgiving holiday. First, I’m heading to Colorado to see a side of my family I have not seen in many years. My fathers brother and sister are out in Fort Collins, Colorado. My parents have actually been out there several times in the past years, but due to other circumstances I have been unable to make it out there. I’m going during thanksgiving so I can see my grandparents and my step cousins who will all be in for the Holidays. Once I’m done in Colorado I will be heading to northern California. My good friends from both college and high school have found themselves in the same relative area. Both left almost immediately after college. I have not made it out since they left. This trip is long overdue and I can’t wait to see how they are getting on out there. So, if anyone happens to be out in Colorado or Cali, let me know!